Saturday 2 February 2013


Wall decorations can make your walls awesome. Wall decorations can be called as artistic decoration of buildings. Wall decorations can make your home and offices good looking. The artwork that can be done on walls include images, photos, texts and every other thing that you can done in order to increase the beauty of your home.

                            Wall Decorations

Among decorations of walls that you can try in your home is wall hangings. Mostly wall hangings have images of humans, animals and objects. This is cheapest way by which you can decorate your room.
Oil paintings and canvas arts can also be used in decorating walls. Wall paint is very essential that adds a lot in whole look of the room and it is a difficult task to choose a right paint for your walls.
Wall Decorations
You have to choose which paint is best for your walls and which type of paint should be used whether oil pants or water paints. Your wall paints should also be done according to the lights of your rooms as if you have dark lights then you can go with light colored paints and if you do not have heavier lights then you can go with dark colored paints.
Wall Decorations
If you are choosing paint then here are some tips that will help you in this connection. If you are choosing water paints then you must know that they are dried with in few hours as with in one or two hours. The main advantage of water based paints is that they have fewer odors but if you are using them in your rooms then they must be ventilated. Water paints can be cleaned easily with warm soapy water.
Wall Decorations
Along with the advantages of water paints, there are some disadvantages of water paints like they do not adhere well on dirty and chalky surfaces. This is reason they have to be applied on clean surfaces for best adhesion. Similarly oil paints have some advantages and disadvantages at the same time.
Wall Decorations
Among the advantages of oil paints is that they can be applied on stain sealers. They are also best to adhere on metal, steel and dirty surfaces. They are not temperature sensitive and this is reason they can be done in low temperatures.
Wall Decorations
There are some disadvantages of oil paints that they are dried very late. Similarly, they fade with the passage of time and turn yellow. For summer season, water based paints are best. For more just click SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN: TAKE SPECIAL CARE OF THEM

Thursday 31 January 2013


Baby development is very important process which a mother experiences in her life. First year of a baby’s life is very amazing. First year of a baby’s life is very important baby development stage. With in just twelve months, your newborn child is now transformed in to a toddler who walks, talk and shows first sign of independence.

At this stage, your baby is totally dependant on you for his needs so a mother has to take care of all his needs. It might happen that your 13 months old baby is not walking but your neighbor’s 11 months old child is walking and you might think and get worried that your baby development is not where it should be and wonder what it means for his or her future.

You should not compare development of your baby with other babies or other babies’ development charts. Instead it is important that you should know your baby is developing at different rates and they should only be compared with their own milestones from the previous weeks.
Baby Development
 If you are still confused and have any doubt in your mind about development of your baby then you must consult with your baby’s health care provider. Here are some guidelines which will help you in determining whether your baby is developing or not.
Baby Development
 At age of only one month, neck muscles develop so that baby can lift his neck and at the age of two months, baby starts to lift his neck and head with out any help. He or she blows bubbles smiles and gives responses.
Baby Development
At the age of three months, baby sucks his hands and at four months, baby puts his hands in his mouth and gives response to his name. He or she shows teething at this stage and can roll. Baby can sit for little time period with out help. Baby gets in to crawling position and shows attachment with parents at six months of his age.
Baby Development

At seven months of age, baby can crawl and holds his own bottle and can understand different tones. At eighth month of age, baby can stand by holding tables and at ninth month, baby can walk by holding different objects, speak little questions and understand simple questions.
Baby Development
Baby can walk with out support at ten months of age while at eleventh months; baby can eat and drink with out help and at twelve months, baby shows to be patient. For more just click Activities for children: fun and education at same time